Untamed Women (1952)
Calling this a B movie is an insult to B movies.
2 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There's something rotten in the South Pacific, and it ain't Bloody Mary's teeth. One of the truly laughable movies of the 1950's yet not worth a cult following, this is truly a stinker. Man-hating women imprison fighters in World War II stranded on Druid Island, lost from.civilization for millennium yet complete with modern hairstyles and an uncanny ability to reproduce more women without a man around, at least one that lived to tell about it. Stock footage from One Million Years B.C. adds pre-historic creatures that are obviously enlarged mammals you'd see on a zoo, skewed to look creepy.

These creatures give better performances than any of the human actors who were obviously reading cue cards. Actually, the male actors are reading the lines more realistically while the females are very one note in how they recite their lines. The explanation of how the women decide to free the men is pretty lame, although the leader of the Druids seems to know the dangers they might face. When one of the men is attacked by a supposed flesh eating plant, it actually appears to be two newspapers smacked over his face to emulate the obviously phony monster.

The giant Jaramillo monster is perhaps the silliest looking of the critters, while what is supposed to be a dinosaur like critter is nothing more than a harmless gecko. The camera on the newly filmed footage moves at odd speeds at times, giving an impression of intended fast action. Stock footage of the volcano exploding is great, but I wanted to yell at the stupid characters, If the falling rocks don't get you, the lava will! Also laughable are "The hairy men" who look like residents of Dogpatch more than cavemen.

If the film makes any point, it is the message that any female rib society will instantly collapse when men appear out of nowhere because no matter what their feminist leaders say, the others will ultimately be controlled by their hormones.
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