Microwaved Goods
30 December 2015
The time has finally come, a new star wars film has arrived. A sequel to the original trilogy and hopefully an apology for the 3 prequels. Also now in the hands of Disney who have had the rights to star wars at the parks for years. Seemed like a good move and honestly I think it was a wise choice. I shuddered when I heard JJ Abrams was the chosen director. I find him over- rated and personally dummbed down star trek and ruined it completely for a new generation. However I was still excited and would give him the benefit of the doubt. So how does the new movie fair?.......well it basically has the exact same plot as A New Hope with old and new characters thrown into the mix.

All in all the movie was not terrible but it felt like they wanted to play it too safe and rely on nostalgia to convince movie goers that star wars is back. Watching it I couldn't help but fall back in love because of this nostalgia however that being said upon analization of the film afterwards proved to remove the beer goggles.

As stated before this is a re-has of a new hope. There is another death star, a new disappointing villain, however he may grow into a badass but for now is weak and pathetic. The pacing was also terrible and everything happened to fast and relies on previous knowledge. For fans coming into this film without seeing previous movies may ask themselves, this is what the hype was all about?

That being said it was hard to hate on this film, because they did try but were not wanting to take a gamble and branch out into a complete new storyline with risks. I'm curious to see what direction this goes however I'm scared as the next director hired is the gentleman who bastardised jurrasic world. In my personal oppion I'd give this a 7 however rating this as a film not as a fan it would get a soft 6.
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