Running out of things to Find Found Footage For
27 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Curse of the Blair Witch continues, with once again, an implausible concept of Found Footage of a horrifying event.

The plot is that a descendant of an 18th century scientist leads a badly equipped badly planned expedition to Northern Canada to find Frankenstein's monster, who he claims his ancestor created. Faster than you can say "Public Domain", the characters are picked off one by one in fits of bad acting.

The goofiness of these kinds of movies is that they would keep cameras rolling when all this horrific stuff is going on. "Hey, my friends are being killed all around me by an improbable supernatural force! I'd better keep filming. Oh, wait, I'm the only one left? I'd better set my camera up on a tripod so that it can capture my tragic yet entirely predictable demise!"

they do a good job of keeping the Monster out of frame so you can't see how cheap and generally unimpressive it is.

Oh, and for the reviewer who says you had to have read Mary Shelly's original work to truly appreciate it? Not really. I have, that really didn't add anything to it because Frankie just turns out to be another boring Found Footage Monster killing people for the sake of killing them. There's just nothing special about him.
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