A crowning glory - the worst film to come from Crown International Pictures?
21 November 2015
Strangely, this cheapo effort from Crown International Pictures seems to have got plenty of air time on UK TV channels over the years. I remember when Bravo used to show it all the time at the turn of the millennium, and now Talking Pictures TV have picked it up as part of their Crown package. I guess the title is what sells it, but the film doesn't match.

Whichever way you look at it, this has to be the worst Crown picture of all, and they made a lot of dross over the years. DEATHROW GAMESHOW paints picture of a mildly futuristic society in which the masses turn in to see contestants in life-or-death games. THE RUNNING MAN is clearly the film that's being ripped off here, but it's not even close to the quality of that cheesy Schwarzenegger action flick.

Instead DEATHROW GAMESHOW is a bore, devoid of laughs and incident. A number of prisoners take part in tasks they can't possibly win, and then the deaths are usually cut away from. This is bargain basement stuff, with appallingly over the top acting and not one ounce of wit in the script stakes. Yes, there's a little obvious satire, but when most of the laughs come from reaction shots of a fat guy eating spaghetti or the crude name-calling of the host then you know you're in trouble. This really is hopeless and I can think of few films worse or indeed less funny.
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