The Champions: The Iron Man (1968)
Season 1, Episode 9
A weak episode
16 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In The Iron Man, The Champions are sent to protect a deposed South American dictator who may be the target of assassination.

I hate to rate an episode of The Champions this low, but I really didn't enjoy The Iron Man all that much. In fact, I had trouble paying attention it was so uneventful. The problem - the plot set-up felt tired. It felt like something I've seen a dozen times in a dozen different television shows. There's just not much new ground covered here. And the assignment is hardly worth the talents and abilities of The Champions. A good, well-trained security team could have easily handled the mission. Other than a couple of instances where superhuman hearing comes in handy, there's really not much for our heroes to do. Finally, the poor attempts at humor also hurt the episode. From the moment El Gaudillo appears on screen, you can pretty much guess what kind of character he is - a braggadocios, lecherous blow-hard with an over-inflated ego who will undoubtedly be the first to run at the sign of danger. Funny stuff (not).

I hate to do it, but a 4/10 from me.
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