Car Wash (1976)
Car Wash, a great black classic? Have you lost your damn mind?
20 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The 1976 film Car Wash follows a group of black employees at a white owned car wash. After seeing all the reviews and fan praise for this so called black classic, I am quite sure that everyone who liked this movie are on crack. This movie was terrible, I found no humor or entertainment in it at all. Yes this movie was before my time, but I have went back and watched a lot of black movies from the past. Movies like "Dolemite" and "Cooley High" are some of my favorites in fact. Car wash defies the laws of how movies are made. There is no main character, there is no clear antagonist, no real conflict, no climax, no resolution, and it isn't even funny. People say this is Richard Pryor's funniest movie. How? Pryor was only in the movie for 5 minutes, and during that time he didn't really say anything funny. There was no real story, conflict, or any real attempt at character development. They basically stayed at the car wash all day. This movie was basically like going to a car wash, and just observing the atmosphere until it closed, and even that might be more entertaining than this movie. I give this movie a 1 out of 10, and the 1 is for the soundtrack(the only good thing in the film). If you want to watch a funny movie about a car wash, watch the 2001 remake "The Wash", with Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre. "The Wash" was pretty funny (much, much more than Car wash) and had a real story(including main characters, antagonist, main conflict, and all the basic elements that a professional made film should have). And unlike "Car Wash", The Wash is a black owned car wash with mostly black employees, and actually showed them in real conflict and interaction on and off the car wash property. The truth is the truth, someone has to tell it; and despite the false praise it has been given, Car Wash is not a very good movie. Get off the crack people. I have not been this disappointed after watching a film since I watched the un-humorous and regurgitated film "Anchorman 2", and even that had all the basic story elements that professional movies are suppose to have. Car Wash a classic black film? Have you all lost your damn minds?
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