Gorgeous Film About Sea and Tide and Treachery
17 October 2015
TURN OF THE TIDE is a splendid British film about rival families in a fishing village in Yorkshire. Filmed in and around Whitby, there are some stunning panoramas of sea and cliffs and stone houses built on water's edge. The Fosdyck family is headed by mean old Isaac (J. Fisher White) who seethes at the very thought of those "foreigners" the Lunns (they came from 20 miles away) in his village and competing for fish. But his granddaughter (Geraldine Fitzgerald) causes him more grief when she starts going out with one of the Lunns (Niall MacGinnis). But the younger family members grudgingly get along as they battle the sea for their livelihood. But old Isaac keeps causing trouble by cutting fishing lines and such. Storyline is familiar, but the film is very watchable because of the location shooting and excellent village sets. John Garrick is the nominal star as the head Lunn, but the film is mostly an ensemble piece. Moore Marriott, Wilfrid Lawson, Joan Maude, Hilda Davies, Sam Livesey, and young Derek Blomfield round out the cast. The ending is not unexpected but is quite satisfying. J. Fisher White steals the show.
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