Flawed conclusion
23 September 2015
Walk Softly Through the Night Part 2 begins with Quincy (Jack Klugman) visiting Brock Campbell (Michael Constantine) in a holding cell following his meltdown in front of Dr. Colella's (Charles Aidman) office. Quincy later visits Dr. Colella and chastises him for calling the police on Brock as well as handing out addictive prescriptions like candy to youth. Dr. Colella is also visited by Marty Hererra (A Martinez) who is trying to obtain more pills to help a friend ween off his habit, but Dr. Colella refuses him because of an unpaid bill. Later in the evening, Dr. Colella is found dead of two gunshot wounds in his office, and Lt. Monahan (Garry Walberg) arrests Marty who is believed to be the last person to see the doctor.

While there is a murder mystery featured in Part 2 of this story, it starts to get pretty sloppy. Despite there being only minimal circumstantial evidence against Marty, somehow he is arrested and almost immediately brought to trial. How would this be possible without further investigation, especially with all of the addicts who were going in and out of there. There would have been a ton of suspects!

I also found the attack of conscience and confession by the guilty party at the end to be pretty convenient. Another weakness of this episode is that half of it is spent in the courtroom and Quincy is never in the lab once doing what he does best. It just would have made for a better episode if Quincy was able to identify the killer through analysis of something left behind at the crime scene, which would have been plausible considering it was a crime of passion.

Overall, a rather disappointing conclusion to a two-part Season 4 story.
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