15 September 2015
I had never heard of this show 20-some years ago when I went with friends to see a local amateur production because their son played one of the brothers. The witty lyrics, the catchy tunes, the sheer creativity of throwing all those different musical styles together in the same show… wow. I went right out and bought the soundtrack.

Then I saw this version in the TV listings and my first thought was: oh no, NOT Donny Osmond.

Well, I'm still not a fan of his, really, but I thought he was absolutely perfect as Joseph. In fact, I'm not an Andrew Lloyd Webber devotee either, but that doesn't stop me from loving this show. The whole thing was fabulous, all of the casting choices (with the exception of Joan Collins… ugh) were perfect, and it's so entertaining I've probably seen it 20 times. I even recommended it to my elderly father, who is religious enough to require kind of a heads-up disclaimer for something like this that treats a Bible story with less than straight- faced reverence… he enjoyed it so much he bought the DVD.

Highly recommend, but if you have little kids you might want to preview it to make sure the costumes are something you're okay with… some of them are a bit skimpy, but being child-free myself it wasn't a concern.
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