Die Hard (1988)
THE best action flick ever !
9 September 2015
"Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister."

Well, what else can I say besides that this is "THE" (can't stress it more) action movie from the 80's with a young Bruce Willis. Personally, I don't even know how many times I've seen this movie. "Die Hard" remains an example for all action movies that followed. At that time you had the Sly and Arnie action movies. But these were more a performance of brutal violence, with big muscles and a sense of invincibility. Bruce showed a clever, shrewd, caustic action hero, who can take a beating, but on the other hand shows that he's not completely invincible.

Of course, the action in films nowadays is much bigger, more impressive and mind-blowing, but the strength of this film is the story, the accumulated tension, lightness and the dry humor of Bruce Willis. From the first minute he takes you in his grip, and he won't let loose. You see him slowly evolve from a wrinkle-free clean-shaved top cop into a reasonable damaged hero. This pattern keeps coming back in the next two parts, which are also top movies of the same caliber.

You'll notice this is already an old movie because for instance lighting a cigarette in a public place isn't prohibited. But how the action scenes are imaged, is still top-work and should be the aim for many action flicks.

I think the sudden confrontation between Gruber and McClane is one of the strongest scenes in this film, along with the well known "Yippie-kay-yee" cry. Trademark of Willis. The fact he likes the character of McClane a lot, you see clearly in "The Last boyscout". In that movie he plays an impoverished detective with the same coolness and cynical, dry humor as McClane. Too bad that in the last two Die Hard movies, McClane is only a shadow of himself like in the original movie.

"Die Hard" is one of those rarities in movie land, which you can watch without thinking "Pfft Again this movie". It remains, for me, an enjoyment to watch.

More reviews here : http://bit.ly/1KIdQMT
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