Review of Up There

Up There (2011)
Moving on up
14 August 2015
Up There is a low budget quirky film dealing with the afterlife like it is being stuck in an Immigration Centre in Croydon as an employee.

Martin (Burn Gorman) killed in a road traffic accident is stuck in the afterlife waiting room. He is waiting, hoping he is ready to go up there but until then he welcomes the newly departed by helping them get registered and fill in the bureaucratic forms.

His afterlife is thrown into disarray when he has to team up with the chippy and motor mouthed cod street gangster Rash and together they lose a new arrival and end up in a small seaside town trying to find the runaway soul. Maybe Martin will finally care about the deceased people around him rather than hang around and wait for time to pass by.

Up There is a low key film with a washed out look. It definitely makes you feel that being dead is no fun, actually being dead is crap and boring where the guys try to find a nice place where they can see couples having sex.

Its a bittersweet, dry comedy and Burn Gorman plays it gloomily deadpan as he sees his best friend moving on to his grieving widow and his best friend in the afterlife move upstairs without him. Of course Gorman has form here, he played a dead Torchwood agent still walking after he got killed!
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