Finding Graceland Reviewed
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a beautiful film. A beautiful idea, if only it were true. Harvey Keitel plays "Elvis" who faked his death in 1977 when the pressures of fame grew too strong...now, after 20 years he wants to return to Graceland for the August 16th candlelit vigil. His companion on the journey from Texas to Memphis is a young man Byron (played by Johnathon Schaech) who is on the brink of suicide a year after his beloved young wife Beatrice has been killed in a car crash in which he was driving. While driving aimlessly around without a care or goal, he stumbles across the hitchhiking "Elvis". Naturally, Byron doesn't believe Harvey Keitel is Elvis, but a series of events leave him wondering...what if? He knows Elvis' shoe size, reasons for having his Cadillac sprayed purple, his Army Number all instantly when Byron quizzes him from a book. Then they are pulled over by a traffic cop, and after Elvis recognises him as his Tupelo Mississippi best friend and they even share memories nobody else could have known, the Cop is naturally flabbergasted and emotional, letting his old friend and Byron get away with nothing more than a ticking off... When Byron's battered old 1950's Cadillac won't start after that brush with the law, "Elvis" has it taken to a local Mississippi garage he's familiar with for repairs, but they are forced to spend the night in a Hotel/Casino which coincides with a "Legends" Concert in which the organiser and participants are all familiar with Elvis' act from the past. That night, Byron is bowled over by a nervous Elvis' stunning rendition of "Suspicious Minds" that has the 2,000 plus crowd on it's feet in raptures. (Elvis fans might find Keitel's act rather unconvincing and amusing. Keitel is great as a 62 year old Elvis and does have the look of an older Elvis, but he didn't look at all comfortable or convincing in his performance of "Suspicious Minds" and the choreographer could almost surely have done a better job. Maybe neither were Elvis fans, simple as that.) After almost suffering a heart attack after his performance, Byron rushes to the dressing room to gather Elvis' belongings where he finds a newspaper clipping reporting Elvis' death the day after it happened...on the reverse page, a report of the death of a man and his wife and young daughter on the same day - with the man a huge Elvis fan renowned for his excellent impersonations of The King. Does that explain the faceless woman and female child in the King's regular nightmares he'd explained to Byron? The next morning Elvis and Byron collect the repaired Cadillac...which has also been given the full once over to get it looking brand new, to Byron's amazement. Byron has befriended a Marilyn Monroe impersonator from the Legends Concert (Bridget Fonda) who agrees to check up on the newspaper clipping for the man's surviving family, as Elvis and Byron continue their final journey into Memphis... After initially being refused entry into Graceland when the guard on the gate refuses to accept Keitel is Elvis (Why would you!?) the two men scale the wall and enter the beautiful mansion, where Elvis believes he'll be greeted by his Memphis Mafia entourage and his loving wife Priscilla and daughter Lisa-Marie...only to be left devastated when he discovers the house is empty. Nobody is there waiting for his return. The scenes of Byron and Keitel walking around Graceland's foyer, living room, music room and kitchen are haunting. I believe it's the only movie allowed to have been filmed within Graceland, they did well to get that privilege. After leaving, Elvis insists that he is still who he claims and that the newspaper clipping was something he had created years ago to allude suspicion should he ever get into a pickle and need to hide his identity...is he Elvis? Or isn't he? It's up for you the audience to decide really. Elvis does, however, convince Byron to face up to his demons and visit the Memphis grave of his wife for the first time since her death where he admits it was her who was driving, not him, and he'd blamed himself so much for distracting her while she was driving he'd virtually convinced himself that he was at the wheel. After another heart to heart between the two men about losing that special someone and feeling that low (Elvis talks about the death of his beloved mother Gladys but the joys of meeting Priscilla) Byron says he plans to move forward with the rest of his life. The two return to Graceland for the candle light vigil, where Bridget Fonda meets them. She and Byron are heading to Las Vegas for her next Marilyn Monroe engagement, but not before she tells Byron, there was no evidence on the existence of the man from the newspaper clipping...was he really The King? In the final scene, Elvis comes across a down and outer stowed in the carriage of a freight train. "Let me introduce myself...my name's Elvis..." The film ends with two OUTSTANDING Elvis songs, "Long Black Limousine" and the unbeatable "If I Can Dream." I think you'd have to be an Elvis fan to fully appreciate this film. I am and I thought it was fabulous, and moving with great performances from both Harvey Keitel and Johnathon Schaech.
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