How I Met Your Mother: Benefits (2009)
Season 4, Episode 12
Benefits (#4.12)
20 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Such a great and fun episode. Everything about it is done in a very perfect way. This is a new way to look at two exes getting back together and somebody getting hurt.

It was already funny how when Robin and Ted decide not to tell anyone that they are casually sleeping together Marshall is there as well to "read the magazine".

Actually the "reading the magazine" story is very good as well. Marshall is adorable. Loved him in his walk of shame and walk of glory at the end when he deals with it. Just like that wonderful moment when he gets a toilet on the 8th floor where all offices are closed and yet the construction guy breaks through the wall.

The best of course are Barney's feelings about Robin. All the TV breaking anger he feels and how he comes to clean their apartment so they don't find. I loved his conversation with Ted. He was wonderful and figuring out what is bothering Barney (I am actually surprised Lily was so good at keeping it a secret) and as a good friend he ends it. Loved his character here.
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