My review
18 May 2015
The person who watched this obviously hates or dislikes found footage horrors as he tore this movie apart. Its not that bad. it was watchable, not the best movie ever but the guy who wrote his review said nothing happens and boring. Things do happen, they have zombies that attack the characters and there is some blood yes. I watched it and didn't mind it, although i have seen worse movies. the tunnels part? the reviewer said its so dark you cannot see? the characters had lights and torches so what is he complaining about? you can see what they are doing?

I give this movie a 4.6 out of 10, it was watchable and characters were OK, i liked the lead reporter lady she did a good job at presenting, i may get people saying, this movie was bad, but this is my opinion which everyone is entitled to.

worth watching!
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