Sorry, Thanks (2009)
Waste Of Time
13 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, people involved with the production of films or related to the filmmaker, or indeed the filmmakers themselves really need to stop making a point of leaving positive reviews for their films. There's nothing more ridiculous than to read reviews for a film like Sorry, Thanks claiming it to be funny, truthful, well acted, ground breaking etc when it is very clearly none of these things. The film's described as an unromantic comedy, suggesting that the writer/director wanted the audience to think the film was breaking new ground, sadly it's just like many of the so called mumblecore films where frankly unlikeable and self absorbed post teen college graduates take dead end jobs, begin and and end relationships, whilst talking about random things during random scenes which don't drive the films forward, or add anything to the plots. Or, as in the case of Sorry, Thanks, even have a plot.

In Sorry, Thanks the main character, Kira breaks up with her boyfriend, takes a dead end job with a publisher and then starts sleeping with a lot of random guys, including one of her best friends. Max is also in a dead end job that he can't even bothered to turn up on time to do and has a girlfriend who loves him but who he treats rather badly, plus two friends who are equally as hopeless as he is but who regularly accuse him of being an arsehole and a jerk.The equally idiotic Kira never sorts out what job she should be doing, or who she should be with. Max doesn't stop being an arsehole and a jerk but his girlfriend continues to put up with him, even after she discovers that he has cheated on her. At no time is it clear why both Kira and the nice girlfriend are willing to spare the idiot Max the time of day let alone date him, or why Max is so drawn to Kira who does nothing but pull weird faces all

the time.

The whole thing could have been adequately covered in a 15 minute short but, in order to bump it up to a feature, we're subjected to endless pointless scenes which add up to nothing at all. if you value your time don't waste it on this.
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