A Masterpiece!
24 April 2015
What would you give for any desire you could think of? *Note: I've seen the entire TV series & the sequel movie "Rebellion". I put this title off for months because every time i'd see the thumbnail for it, its these cutesy magical looking girls and my thoughts were how bad and stupid it would be, i was so wrong i wish i watched this when it was recommended to me! This anime really makes you think on such a deep level, its so beautiful from artwork to story line. Lets start off by saying this is NOT your average "magical girl" genre, its not some PG crap child aimed anime. This show is definitely for the older audience. There is so much substance in this show, its very hard to go into detail without spoilers, so lets talk about the music. The songs and audio for this show are amazing, you can just feel every scene so perfectly. The artwork is some of the most magnificent drawings I've seen from any anime, from the perfectly detailed city's to the amazing detail to the designs on the windows & side walks its all spectacular but what really blows me away is the labyrinths, every time they enter a witches lair the world becomes all trippy. Quite literally if you've done larger(?) amounts of acid at once(by yourself) then you'll probably find the visuals even more amazing because it captures exactly what being on large amounts of acid is like. This show is amazing from the first episode to the last movie(rebellion), it will surly stay in your heart and will remain a favorite for anyone willing to give it a shot without prejudging its "girly/cutesy" look.

5/5: Why perfect? Watch it(the movie too) and find out, its one of the few who earned perfect. I can't think of anything bad to say. The movie also has about twice as much trippy-ness as the TV show. **For those who've done acid, i'd say 3-4+ hits done by yourself would be enough to understand what i mean about the visuals of the labyrinths. Why do i say by yourself? When tripping with anyone and become completely alone are two completely different things and you probably haven't touched the vale if you haven't tripped in your own solitude.
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