Cavalry (1936)
Unusual and excellent with large cast of extras
25 April 2015
Robert North Bradbury is due a lot from us lovers of B Westerns: stories, direction, and two sons who starred in dozens or scores of pictures.

Mr. Bradbury directed his more famous son, known as Bob Steele, in this unusual movie of the time after the War Against Southern Independence.

The beginning is marred with stock footage of battles, then erases any complaints with a heart-tugging scene complete with some beautifully harmonized soul singing. No spoiler: Please watch it.

Then some irony is added to the story. Again, no spoiler.

Probably the ultimate direction of the action will become apparent to any viewer, but never mind. It's still a great story, beautifully written (although admittedly sometimes the dialogue seems a bit stilted, other times it's clever, other times it's perfectly realistic), beautifully directed (lots of angles and attention to detail), and beautifully acted.

So many players who don't get screen credit, such as Martin Turner who plays Mose, and one who plays Mammie is not even credited here at IMDb, which is rare, give more than adequate performances.

I watched this at YouTube, compliments of Westerns on the Web (and God Bless everyone concerned), and marveled at several levels of superb B Western entertainment.

Just one example: There is a super fight scene between the hero and the action heavy (well played by the great Karl Hackett), one of the best I've seen. Again I have to wonder why Bob Steele never played in a boxing film. He sure had the moves and athleticism.

"Cavalry" is an excellent title, an excellent movie, and I highly recommend it. (Admission: I really hate it when stars I like play Yankees, but I follow the advice sung by Tom Lehrer and I sublimate, sublimate, sublimate. So I enjoyed the movie.)

By the way, watch for Bud (sometimes called Budd) Buster in a really surprising role, and enjoy how director Bradbury films it.
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