Blue Exorcist (2011)
A Great Mix of Horror and Comedy
27 April 2015
I'll be honest, finding a new anime to watch has always been hard for me. Starting a new anime is like getting into a hot tub, if you jump in too quickly, chances you'll sprint out as quickly as you hopped in. But if you slowly ease yourself in, you'll adjust to it and enjoy the experience. That's how it was when I started watching Blue Exorcist. As a fan of Soul Eater, I enjoy anime that can take themselves seriously, but know when to joke around, and are not heavy on nudity and swearing. And Blue Exorcist fits the bill. I like the characters, I like the set up. I only have two questions. 1: How can some exorcists summon demons when exorcists and demons are suppose to be enemies? And 2: Why do so many anime take place at schools? There's this one, Soul Eater, Kill la Kill, Ouran Host Club, etc. Anyway, I still enjoy this anime, and I highly recommend it if you loved Soul Eater.
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