Great acting and a sense of realism
7 April 2015
I have just seen this movie and I must admit, it was very good. Although the main subject matter is in relation to suicide and how it impacts on both individuals and the community alike, there are a number of equally as important social issues portrayed in the movie. It is a telescopic view of a short period of time and how the environment, family and friends all have an influence in the lives of the young people at the centre of the story. The dialogue is harsh, but delivered with a real sense of meaning and the reality of the impact it has on the young characters. The writer & director, Frank Berry, has really taken the time to incorporate a number of social taboo subjects in to this one movie but in a very subtle and non-invasive way. It tends to allow the viewer to fill in the gaps in their own head and this tends to make the message that much more real in a sense. Unlike other movies with story lines and content similar to this, this movie is more about what you don't see on the screen that makes it so real and life like. Anybody that knows the area where the movie is filmed (and I do), they will see and understand the realism of the actors and dialogue and how the environment plays a huge part in their lives. The father of the main young female lead character of the movie, really allows the viewer come on a journey of many emotions with him. His interactions and conversations with his daughter are totally believable, yet awkward and uncomfortable to watch and hear. The girl herself is played excellently by the young actor and she has allowed the viewer to seriously connect with her and the dilemmas and feelings she is experiencing on screen. Her innocence, immaturity and naivety is strikingly played to the extent that you want to reach out and be able to protect her from what you know is taking place in the story line. The main lead young boy in the movie really intensively draws you in to like him. His quiet and tacit manner makes people question the way he behaves yet outwardly he behaves in a charming and caring way towards others. He also provided me with the best quote of the movie when he was being challenged about his quietness, 'It's better to be quiet than to say something stupid' he proudly stated. A lesson in there for everybody who feels they need to talk to be heard. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie and I have great hope that the cast of young people, who were all local young people from the locality in the movie, go on to achieve great things in their acting careers and life in general.
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