King of the Nerds (2013–2015)
27 February 2015
I watched a few episodes of "King of the Nerds" and came to a startling realization, and that is that nerds in a group act a lot like the rest of us. I watched this show because I thought that maybe somewhere in the world some people may be able to look over all the crap that society shoves down people's throat about the right way to act and look, and be themselves. I thought if there are people that can do that it would definitely be the nerdy type, but these "nerds" are just as underhanded as the rest of us. I watched three episodes and they put this African American guy in the "nerd off" all three episodes. This puzzled me, so I looked back on all these "nerd offs" and there was only one time that a member of his team had to go to a nerd off that he didn't go. I also noticed that every time he went to the nerd off everyone in the house cheered for the nerd that was competing against him. Actually, one of the other contestants actually volunteered herself to go to the "nerd off" because she was a huge horror buff and she really thought she could beat him. It was like they were all teaming up against him. I'm sorry, but this looked like bullying to me. All these nerds say that they were bullied as they grew up, but when the tables were turned they did the same thing. I understand that they are trying to win a game, but the means should justify the ends. I don't think these "nerds" see this the same way. BTW after watching this, I'm never eating Little Caesars again.
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