Spin City: James and the Giant Speech (1999)
Season 4, Episode 2
The Mike and Nikki relationship is wearing thin.
14 January 2015
In this episode, it appears that Catlin is making the move to push Mike aside and run the Mayor's daily office. She is even writing speeches for the Mayor, a job that is suppose to be done by James. And with the Senate campaign being the most important thing on the agenda, Catlin is going to fire James.

Also Catlin is looking for a place to put her desk and it seems that she has eyes on Paul's office. Paul starts sucking up to Catlin hoping that she will let him stay in the same location. But when he makes a gesture about taking his office, instead of declining she jumps at the chance.

The on again, off again, relationship of Mike and Nikki are on the rocks ever since the Heidi Klum ear-ring incident. And in this episode the saga continues.

There are many things going on in this episode with some being really humorous. The best part is Paul sucking up to Catlin only to have it backfire- plus some scenes when Catlin decides to move into Mike's office. But it seemed that the rest of the episode just did not have the flare that was expected. James losing his job was kind of a downer and Mike and Nikki's relationship is older than some soap-operas. But the show was enjoyable enough, even with the misfires, to make for a nice watch.
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