Early Chuck movie - Mostly for action junkies
26 December 2014
Most of early Chuck Norris movies are terribly cheap and simply unberable. This one is not good either , but a vast improvement over the earlier movies . At least it's somewhat watchable with good things in it , even when overall it's a movie you forget about the next day.

The plot is rather formulaic . We often have to wait for a considerable amount of time for the action sequences to start and at times the plot makes you go "What the hell is going on here ". Much of the movie seems contrived and episodic.

The action scenes have some cool touches of slow motion. The martial arts are believable and fun . The music is really good. The whole movie feels more like a 70's movie , but that's not a bad thing.

Norris tries to show a little bit more emotion than his usual stone face. "Tries" is the right word.He also looks very young with his blonde hair and clean shaved baby face. Richard Roundtree ("Shaft") is solid as Capt. Stevens and so is Mako as Norris mentor. He's not a bad comic relief too. Professor Toru Tanaka ("Goldfinger") is enjoyable as always as the intimidating foe. I only don't understand his weird shoes. The only bad performance comes from the wooden Maggie Cooper as the love interest. Christopher Lee ("Dracula") makes a nice performance, too bad he doesn't have too much screen time.

Forgettable , but harmless movie if you're in the mood. I give it 2/10.
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