The Outer Limits: Worlds Within (2001)
Season 7, Episode 10
An Invasion into the Time Continuum
13 November 2014
This is another of the episodes with more sophisticated implications. A woman who has a death sentence, some form of cancer, is a leader in her scientific field. She has decided to become part of a research team where an "alien" is being kept under wraps. It is an amorphous figure, more goo than substance, but it has humanoid qualities. It is obvious that though benevolent, the researchers have decided that this is their road to fame and this poor creature is going to provide the map. As Anya, the young woman, investigates, she begins to get strange sensations and ultimately what she believes are hallucinations. She sees a beautiful young boy and his mother. What has happened is a slip in the space/time continuum that has deformed the child and put him into an in between realms of reality. Since she is dying, she feels it is her obligation to try to bring this child back to where he belongs. She must enlist the aid of her former serious boyfriend who brought her into the project. It could mean the end of his career if he assists her. Of course, there is the usual "bad" guy (who isn't terribly bad but certainly adversarial) who is going to stop her at all costs. I won't go any further because it would be too much, but I will say that the ending is quite satisfying.
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