The Simpsons: Cape Feare (1993)
Season 5, Episode 2
Better than perfect, in fact, compared to this, perfection is crap!
30 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to choose what the best part of this episode is. The rakes? The Cactus field? The witness protection program.

My favorite quote of the episode is when when Lisa called Moe:

Look, Moe I know you're behind this. So knock it off! Or we're going to the cops!

OK OK, I'll stop

Alright boys, it's over, let em' out!

*pandas run out of Moe's*

I liked when Bob sung the HMS pinafore, when he got ran over by the elephants, and especially:

Doesn't that say die, Bart, die?

No, that's German for the ,Bart, the.

No man that speaks German can be an evil man!
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