The Scorpion King.
28 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Originally being unsure about taking a look at the title,due to it having gotten a number of dry reviews,I noticed that a fellow IMDb'er gave the Giallo a good amount of praise during IMDb's 2013 Horror Challenge,which led to me deciding that I would take a look at the Giallo scorpion.

The plot:

Haunted by the recurring final moments which led to his wife's death, Oliver Bromfield decides to run away from the mansion containing his family,where he and his wife also lived in.

1 Year later:

Attempting to start a new page with his life,Bromfield gets married to his girlfriend Ruth,despite them having only been dating for a short while.Keeping the events surrounding his wife's death under wraps to Ruth, Bromfield decides that due to there being no where else where they can live permanently,that he is going to return to the family mansion with Ruth.Reciving a frosty welcome from the family,Ruth soon discovers that Bromfield's deceased wife shadow towers above the lives of Oliver and his family.

View on the film:

Placing the film largely in the mansion,co-writer/ (along with José Ramón Larraz and Giovanni Simonelli)director Alfonso Balcázar gives this Giallo a dazzling stylised appearance,with Balcázar covering every corner with pastel colours which help to create a decaying atmosphere,as Balcázar shows how the Bromfield's wealth has led to them decaying from within.

Whilst he reveals a highly eye-catching style in his directing, Balcázar and his fellow writer's disappointingly show that they are unable to paint the screenplay of the film in the same vivid colours.For the first hour of the film,the writer's try and create a Gothic chill,which is never allowed to bubble away thanks to a feeling of dread never being allowed to increase,that leads to this Giallo going round in circles,as the Bromfield's reveal that they are not in possession of a vicious scorpion sting.
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