A Blight on the UK Movie Industry
13 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Katherine of Alexandria also titled Decline of an Empire...is definitely in line for the title of one of the worst movies ever. Do not be drawn in by the big name stars, Peter O'Toole and Edward Fox, as it becomes obvious very quickly that they are there to lure the unsuspecting movie goer into a false sense of expectation. As great as they are as actors, even their abilities cannot save this disgraceful offering. In fact I am surprised that Peter O'Toole did not take his payment and then get his lawyers to obtain an injunction to prevent the release of this so called movie on the grounds that it will be a blot on a distinguished career. The story,-for the want of a better word- is all over the place. It feels as if the director had numerous different versions in his head and got them all mixed up. The way it jumps from scene to scene is mind boggling, be prepared to be very confused. The acting is non-existent,,,the dialogue is atrocious...the use of the shaky cam for the action scenes confirms that this Hollywood disease has arrived in the UK. The little pieces of the action scenes which you can actually see are unbelievably bad. Indeed a bunch of kids playing at war would have done a more realistic job. The props are rubbish and the constant music score in the background will have your teeth on edge. The very sad part of this disaster is that it could have been a great movie with the right director and script writers. I hope that director Michael Redwood will take up a different career for his own sake and for our sakes. The one redeeming factor in this debacle is the exceptional performance by Nicole Keniheart in the title role. She made the part her own and despite all the obstacles gave a really wonderful rendering. I hope we see a lot more of her. Unless you have two hours to spare and feel the need to punish yourself for past sins...I strongly recommend that you stay far away from this offering.
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