Don't bother
1 August 2014
I don't even know where to start. So bad! One of the worst films I've ever seen - and I've seen a bunch. Had I not been stuck home with an injury, unable to do much of anything else, I would not have watched beyond the first 10 minutes on Netflix. I should have just shut it down then, but hope springs eternal, I guess. As I often do, I kept thinking it would get better...at least a little. It did not!

Here's the deal: The Kibbleheads who were in this ridiculous cult truly believed the leader was God - when he suddenly decided he was and informed them of that fact - are still whack jobs today!

All the drugs and "herbs" they took either affected their ability to think and reason or they started out at least halfway cuckoo and ended up totally bonkers. They are apparently beyond repair and/or any hope. It's pretty scary that they're allowed to vote and allowed out without keepers! I base this on what almost all of them had to say at the end of the film. One guy lives out in the wild, completely off the grid and claims he has 2 years of food squirreled away - and "I'm not gonna tell you where it is." O.K., fine by me. If it's "food" that will still actually be safe to eat after being kept 2 years, I doubt you need worry about it being stolen - at least not by anyone with a working brain, Doorknob.

Also, the "music" in this made me want to claw my ears off. Truly, the worst sounds I've ever heard and not worthy of being called music. Whoever created this cacophony to accompany the film deserves to be tied up and made to listen to it 24/7 every day until they expire.

Don't waste your time streaming this and absolutely don't waste any money renting or buying it...unless you're as loony as the poor idiots who were in this cult & movie.

Believe me, giving it 3 stars out of 10 was an act of great generosity.
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