The Demented (2013)
A disgrace to zombie films everywhere.
28 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw absolutely no effort put into this film what-so-ever other than overused dramatic camera angles. The movie was cliché as heck, it had very cheesy dialogue, it had the most stupidest moments ever, and there was very little suspense.

If you wanted the gory bits of a zombie movie, this is NOT the once for you. There's barely any gore. Just a guy getting his knee cut and dried blood on all of the zombies. Did you guys know that when you get bit, your clothes automatically become torn and shredded? I never knew that until this film showed me. Huh...

Most of the characters are either unlikable or do absolutely nothing to help push the plot forward. They only two people who were actually busting butt to help the group survive in the majority of the film were the two dudes, and that black dude REALLY kicked butt, even with a cut knee.

But boy, when I said stupid moments, I mean REALLY stupid moments. They we're driving in a van and this zombie girl is just standing on the street, but instead of RUNNING the zombie girl over, they slide off the road and total their vehicle and injure one of their guy's legs... to save a FREAKING ZOMBIE! And there's this one scene where three guys are running from zombies, and one of them gets bit and starts to turn. The other two obviously know that he is going to into a zombie, but do they run? NO! They just stare at him for one full minute while the camera zooms in his face to show how freaky it is when he's transforming. When he finally turns into a zombie, THEN they run! I was literally screaming the whole time, "RUN! FREAKING RUN! OR HIT HIM WITH THAT AXE! YOU HAVE AN AXE! FREAKING PUT HIM DOWN BEFORE HE EATS YOU!"

But the ending is just the WORST!!! The worst zombie ending ever! They all think they made it to the helicopter, flying away all safe and sound, but NOOOOO! It was just a DREAM! Instead, the helicopter abandons them on the roof and the last two survivors become zombie country buffet. Freaking clichés... It's like they couldn't decide to put a happy ending or a sad ending, so they decided, "Screw it, let's do both, and make the happy ending all just a dream." Wow. What a slap to the face.

Sorry to be blunt, but this movie made me so angry, I HAD to make a review of it.
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