Reviving Kops And Kustard Pies
20 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
AT THE VERY beginning, let us make one thing perfectly clear. Neither Producer Mack Sennett nor the Keystone Motion Picture Company have anything to do with this production. It is the project of another well known entity altogether. It is a two reeler from the folks at Warner Brothers/Vitaphone Short Subjects Department.

TO BE SURE, it owes its very existence to the very name of "Keystone"; which is tactfully and royalty-free. Owing to there being other "Keystone" companies and municipalities so named, the Warners got its inborn name publicity for naught.

ONE COULD CONSIDER this short to be either a blatant rip-off of the old silent movies slapstick & custard pie humor or; view it as an homage to the pioneer laugh makers and to Sennett, himself. We switch-hit here; as we see it coming from both directions.

IT APPEARS THAT the producers cast every available veteran of the old comedy studios that they could. In order to insure that the production looked authentic and that the acting of the players matched up with the silent the cast featured: Ford Sterling, Ben Turpin, Chester Conklin, Hank Mann and Bert Roach-Keystone veterans all. Many other old pros from other studio rosters were also present like: Jack Duffy, Leo White and Vivian Oakland.

THE USE OF sound and a musical score was done in a very prudent manner; serving to enhance the visual as well as the verbal gags. The dialogue was not excessive and did not become a substitute for the use of the old sight gag.

WE'VE READ THAT the unexpected acclaim garnered by KEYSTONE HOTEL prompted the powers that be at Warner Brothers to consider that this be extended into a series. Anmy chance of that happening were dashed on the rocks when the players got ind of it and were demanding a hefty rai$e in their pay envelope$.

WHAT A SHAME that turned out to be for all of us!
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