Bond in Cortina (2006 Video)
America may have boycotted the Olympics in 1980 . . .
17 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
. . . but James Bond did not go along, as he and the rest of FOR YOUR EYES ONLY's cast and crew lived it up in Cortina d'Ampezzo, site of the 1956 Olympics (won by the Soviet Union, in its Winter Games debut). Filmed a few months after most of the world boycotted the Moscow Summer Olympiad (due to the U.S.S.R.'s invasion of Afghanistan), Bond further politicizes the Olympic sports movement by drawing Soviet Bloc athletes such as East German Biathlete "Erich Kriegler" away from their trials for the next Games so that they can take pot shots at him. Whether it's Lithuanian hockey goons or Polish ski jumpers (as close observers of the team uniforms will note), the alleged "sportsmen" from behind the Iron Curtain all are killers at heart. This extra, BOND IN CORTINA, seems to be an attempt to put a lighter touch (via hindsight through rose-colored glasses) on the evils of the Russian Empire, but it falls pretty flat. Bond always has been pretty wimpy in the face of pure Evil, being as likely to make love to Russian spies as to kill them. Or perhaps it's just me, thinking of the same dirge, 37th verse, that was wailed out today, as Putin's henchmen sent 23 defenseless Americans to their death over the Ukraine.
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