Review of Whispers

Stargate: Atlantis: Whispers (2008)
Season 5, Episode 7
Whispers military tactics review
22 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen some pretty terrible displays of military unrealism in the series, while still liking the series, but this episode had to be the worst of the bunch. I wont go into females in combat and their inability to carry anyone but another female out of danger, instead i will point out some glaring scenes of military unrealism, considering the fact that most of them are supposed to be of a military background.

At the beginning of the episode, they are in the field, and the female squad come to attention and salute sheppard, which of course is idiotic. Unless you really really dislike that officer, you never salute in the field, because you could be viewed by the enemy and you are showing them who is in charge, which means they know exactly who to kill first to disrupt the chain of command. If the show had any sort of military adviser, they would have been told that and not done anything so ridiculous.

Secondly, when sheppard and some of them go to the city and he tells the gung ho sergeant (the one with too long hair pony-tailed, and artfully applied makeup) to stay with the doctor, the sergeant decides to ignore his orders and go roaming around, then the doctor does, then the other one does too. things ensue and could have turned badly, and yet when sheppard returns he doesn't even care why it happened. Basically it was dereliction of duty or some such, and she should have gotten a verbal reprimand at the very least, and possibly something in her actual file.

Lastly, sheppard decides that they have to go hunting them through the fog that the creatures exude and what does he do? has them split up.... well lets see, how many reasons can we give for how stupid and illogical that really is? first off, in squad tactics you will have a front (point) man carefully scouting the area you are approaching, middle people check the sides, and a tail-end guy to make sure you aren't ambushed from behind, but instead he has them roaming around solo. Secondly, it is dense fog and you cant see much at all, so why else would that be a bad idea to split up? yes, because you could end up shooting each other. i just have to shake my head at the lack of realism this show does so often, and still like it for the characters, stories and special effects, but at times it is very difficult.
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