Gumshoe Magoo (1958)
Jim Backus is the best part of an average short
10 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Mister Magoo short from the UPA Studio. There will be spoilers ahead:

There's a funny bit that's a semi-shot at Disney to open the short and then a robber is given his to do list from his wife. Cut to Magoo putting together his list of errands, which of course coincides with the robber's. Magoo says goodbye to Waldo, who has a wordless cameo. Jim Backus gets off the first of his funny lines in a suggestion to Waldo and off we go.

Needless to say, Magoo ruins the robber's whole day and guarantees that the robber will need therapy for years. The usual gags at the expense of Magoo's eyesight are made more amusing by Jim Backus's delivery of Magoo's lines. Backus is frequently the best thing about these cartoons and that's certainly the case here.

The ending of the short is quite good. It's an average short made better by Backus and a few better than average gags. The Magoo theatrical shorts and a Magoo feature film are now available on DVD in a box set released by Shout! Factory. The box set is excellent.
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