Saturday Night Live: Seth Rogen/Ed Sheeran (2014)
Season 39, Episode 18
SNL Getting Worse and Worse Wow! Seriously Unfunny.
2 May 2014
Write a comment...Pure crap, WTF is going on with SNL? Terrible, writing, terrible execution and very unfunny? Waste of Seth Rogan (a few mild chuckles) but all in all amateurish skits. Where are the Belushi days? Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Cheeseburger. Bring back Mike Meyers and Dana Carvey, they aren't doing anything in particular. Please, fire your writing staff cause they suck the bag big time. There was no laughter maybe a mild chuckle at the blue dog skit but it went on forever and way over-acted. The weed guy who didn't smoke weed but was obsessed by all of the paraphernalia and that stupid stupid song ending really? The Sharpton skit was probably the worst. Again fire your writers immediately cause I heard the crickets in the audience. The gay inference and jokes were lame, this is one hour of my life I will never get back! If the next 2 SNL;s are anywhere close to this bad this will be the last SNL shows I watch and I have been watching since SNL first broadcast. Lorne M time to retire and hand the reigns to some actually funny people (none of which currently work for SNL).
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