The Outer Limits: Second Thoughts (1997)
Season 3, Episode 2
Too Many Minds Spoil the Soup
26 April 2014
Howie Mandel plays a mentally challenged man, living in a group home where he receives instruction and support from an attractive young woman. During his time there he misreads her care for him as love interest. He falls for her, actually proposing to her on a poster he has made. He has a job working for a scientist who has developed a machine which can transfer the mind of a person after their death to a selected subject. If you believe that, then things get intriguing. Karl, Mandel's character, is chosen to take over for the scientist who realizes he has little time left left because of terminal cancer. The process works but it causes a quasi-bipolarity forcing Karl to deal with two voices, his own and the doctors. To complicate things, he inadvertently kills a man who has come to steal the doctor's records and devices. Karl makes the mistake of using the machine on this guy and planting the memories of this guy in his own head. Now he has three voices in conflict. During this time, he continues to obsess over this young woman who is actually engaged to a young poet. The story proceeds as he becomes an incredible nuisance. Through the mind of the second victim, he locates a stack of securities which he invests. He makes a ton of money and is in constant contact with a broker. He buys the young woman a gold necklace and diamonds which frightens her. He is getting scarier and scarier. Then, his now incredibly warped mind focuses on the fiancé. This is quite well done though it is hard to watch as the demons build in the already fragile mind of Karl.
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