The Tomorrow People: Brother's Keeper (2014)
Season 1, Episode 14
So...what's my motivation?
9 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Oh good grief.This show seems to be doing the impossible, changing important details all over the place while leaving everything exactly the same.After the out of nowhere revelation that Marla's a Tomorrow Person, she and Stephen casually get on with their lives as if it never happened.It does mean she's more involved in the storyline but the same effect could have been achieved by revealing she knew about Roger's powers so where are they going with this?

And, after his moral stance last episode, Stephen goes back to working for the guy that ordered the deaths of his father and best friend, because he feels really bad about it.Mind you, by this point it seems Stephen and Jedekiah aren't even pretending they're on the same side.At least the show resists the urge to stick John back in the lair, although this means he's reduced to being Mr Exposition, telling Marla a load of stuff that would have her running for the hills in real life and sharing an awkward "intimate" moment with Cara.

The episode plot about the two brothers...well, the time compression thing is a bit of a cheat but Nathan's genuine innocence is a nice touch.But with Russell reduced to two-dimensional comic relief, we're treated to Cara's sudden desire to kill Jedekiah after turning down numerous previous opportunities.And then Stephen saves him for no real reason.Is he really that much of a white knight?Is it because he thinks Jedekiah's protecting his family?Or is it just because he's contracted for the next episode?And, as well as the ability to wander into crime scenes(or did no-one think to ask who he was until after he'd asked questions?), Jedekiah seems to have gone from wanting to wipe out the Tomorrow People to wanting to be one.Still, he's quite obviously insane by now so maybe he's meant to be erratic.
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