Payload (2012)
I Would Have Preferred A Pay Off
5 March 2014
Set in a Dystopian future of 2021 technology has moved forward the point where humanity can now build a space port . A literal stairway to Heaven you ask ? Perhaps and I thought we might be getting a hint of a religious subtext to this at one point but if there is one I didn't notice it . PAYLOAD is a subtle film which drops hints as to what life is like in this future society which seems to be a combination of fascism and corporate capitalism where human individuals seem subject to a rigid caste system where people are literally a commodity . The way this type of story unfolds from the script by Stuart Willis is a good thing because he doesn't feel the need to bludgeon the audience to death with " Oh look at the way these authoritarian bully boys are stamping on everyone from democrats to critical free thinkers " . In many ways the scenario is very credible - except of course in its chronological setting . I couldn't believe a premise like this taking place in 2021 . Maybe if it was set 20 years after this but not in 2021 . I've also got to be very critical and say PAYLOAD also feels like one of those calling card type short movies and Mr Willis has added a twist of cynicism by leaving everything open ended in an attempt to get funding to make a feature length film with the events directly taking place after PAYLOAD ends . . I do notice certain people on this page are asking for more but I felt mainly frustrated by the end and do like shorts that are self contained . What PAYLOAD lacks is a pay off
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