For every Mom who's been treated like a loon for wanting natural birth
8 February 2014
I see a lot of reviews on here saying this was awful because they felt it attacked them for wanting a medical birth, the saddest part is the film is about freedom of choice, something very limited in the hospital, not a smear campaign on mothers. In fact, to any women who felt this was an attack on their choice to birth in a hospital, remember how you feel right now, this is how natural birthers are treated constantly. If you are hurt over this, please be supportive next time you hear a mother/father wanting a home birth, instead of trying to prove to her your birth is the only way, be supportive. Your fear is her fear of medical birth, its not a contest, its about feeling safe wherever you birth. Its the same as attacking women for conceiving through sex rather than insemination. Its safer to be inseminated, quicker and your risks for pain and stds are lower, but some of us prefer to conceive naturally, and guess what? Both are just fine.Your reviews are based on how it made you feel wronged and not about empowered choices for your daughters and grand- daughters, you are allowing your defensiveness to make you part of the problem. No one is a bad mother from birthing in a way they feel is needed to protect their child. You chose right, now help others to make their choices without persecution.
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