Stupid Idea Made Worse By Bad Casting And Lazy Plotting
6 February 2014
Considering this film is 50 years old you'd expect it to have more than 50 votes and one comment . It's a film I've never seen broadcast on telly and Mike insinuates it's only been shown once late at night in the 1970s . After just watched the film I'm not surprised it's obscure

A major problem with it is the entirely ridiculous premise - " Female agent gets shot down in Malaya 1944 and in POW camp " . Yeah it's stupid but perhaps if the story had been developed more and was more thought out it wouldn't seem so ridiculous . . True people can hide in plain sight but as it stands here it's a ridiculous idea

There's other annoying aspects to the story . For example the lazy plotting where the Japanese commanding officer proclaims that at least one of the prisoners knows about this female agent . Now he knows that a female agent is in he area because she's been spotted by villagers but there's no way he'd know that she's made contact with one of the prisoners . This type of lazy plotting grates

It should also be pointed out that despite using Oriental actors as Japanese guards the two main characters are played by British actors Patrick Wymark and Michael Ripper both of whom are absolutely laughable . In fact you often think you're watching some pantomime version of ALLADIN . Considering Japanese war crimes were on a par with the Nazis and would easily be remembered when this film was made you're left with a feeling that can best be described as tasteless
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