The Monkees: Monkees Race Again (1968)
Season 2, Episode 21
David Hurst and Stubby Kaye
3 February 2014
The very last of the 58 episodes filmed (Dec 18-20 1967), "Monkees Race Again" was the 53rd broadcast (Feb 12 1968), looking more tired than the five completed entries yet to air. T. N. Crumpets (William Glover), a friend of Davy's grandfather, needs help getting his racing car going, as Baron von Klutz (David Hurst) is trying to promote his creation The Klutzmobile, aided by aide-de-camp Wolfgang (Stubby Kaye). Believing Micky to be an expert mechanic, they kidnap him with Crumpets, leaving Davy to drive The Monkeemobile against The Klutzmobile in the final rally. The cast does well enough against the odds, the best gags involving Liverpool (hometown of The Beatles) and Manchester (hometown of Davy Jones). Native-born German David Hurst is perhaps best remembered for STAR TREK's "The Mark of Gideon," and there's a cameo from co-producer Bob Rafelson ('the world's oldest flower child?'). This would be the third and last appearance for "What Am I Doing Hangin' 'Round?" composed by Michael Martin Murphey and Owens Castleman, currently leading fellow Colgems artists The Lewis and Clarke Expedition. Davy again leads the way, with Micky in strong support, Michael and Peter barely involved. Perhaps there could have been a third season, but the network didn't want any changes to the same old format, and the group's idea to do more of a variety show went unheeded. By the time the four Monkees gathered together again, filming began Feb 19 1968 on their feature film "Head," scripted and produced by Jack Nicholson and Bob Rafelson, with Rafelson directing.
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