The Simpsons: Summer of 4'2" (1996)
Season 7, Episode 25
Season 7: Wider plots but good use of the ensemble cast and generally very funny and clever
26 November 2013
This seventh season of the Simpsons sees the quality kept high. The plots this time are variable but are mostly good and even when fantastic, remain grounded in who the characters are an stay about them rather than the plot devices themselves. This isn't always the case as there are a few weaker episodes which are about the events (eg Homerpalooza) but they are in the minority. The majority of the episodes also use the ensemble cast really well, so while there may be one main plot, there are usually smaller ones involving others of the family and also plenty of good asides involving supporting cast.

The writing remains fresh and smart with only a very few pop cultural things which have fallen by the wayside in the passing years. Generally though by staying true to the characters the writing works well and also has plenty of funny dialogue, visual gags and throwaways all around. The voice cast delivery is as consistent as in previous seasons although my favorites remains the supporting voices from Azaria, Hartman and Shearer. Animation is great and the design and detail is easy to overlook because it is so well done that it looks easy.

Another really enjoyable, engaging and funny season of The Simpsons – perhaps not the heights of it at its best as a season, but still really setting a high bar.
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