Savage Drums (1951)
Cold War stinker should have never thawed out.
18 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about different career paths, brothers John Mansfield and Sabu take about as different careers as you can get. Mansfield is the king of his small Asian island nation located off the coast of Indo-China (dare you to find it on a map) and he's in America visiting his brother. Sabu has moved there and joined the Marines and saw war service. Now he's a contender for the lightweight championship and he's being managed by Sid Melton and with corner man Robert Easton.

When the king is assassinated at the boxing arena by the Red Chinese, Sabu gives up his boxing career to become king and push for a treaty with the USA. But the Communists with their man on the scene Steven Geray don't want that. With their own fifth columnist ready to rule, the Chinese invade. But the king with that Marine training leads a counter revolution and saves his island nation from Red domination.

It's a Lippert Picture folks so never expect too much from them. Savage Drums was really a Cold War stinker. Don't thaw this one out from the deep freeze. Even Sabu's friends and fans should be embarrassed.
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