Real fans of Horror rejoice! This one is for you!
30 October 2013
If I were Stephen King I would write some witty line like, "I have seen the future of Horror, and it lies in… The Past." More and more films today are bringing back the elements we all loved in Horror and Action cinema growing up. The classics that have infected generations of filmmakers is alive and well in the blood of the "new breed." No one really thinks of movies like Urban Legend anymore, but mention Suspiria or Zombie – eyes light up! It is this connection to the past that infuses the film House of Forbidden Secrets. It is a love letter to the Italian Horror films of the 70s and 80s. It even has a score by none other than Fabio Frizzi who wrote the music for all of Lucio Fulci's best. Not to say that this film is a rehash, because it isn't. And that is what makes me really love the film. It has the influence of these great Horror films of the past, but has a very original story to tell and a style all it's own. There are twists upon twists, and the great thing about it is, I could not tell you at the beginning of this film where it actually ends up. Nothing is really telegraphed. The surprises pack a punch and for a Horror film rooted in style and gore-soaked imagery, there are some strong characters on display and it is evident that the team who created the film actually CARED about the project.

This script is tight and the dialogue is pretty sharp and actually funny for the most part. The special effects are prosthetic, you know back when artists actually sculpted things and didn't rely on a computer to fix everything. There were a couple of really "out there" effects sequences that had my date gasping and covering her eyes. One in particular may be one of the nastiest splatter effects ever, and very Italian Horror in style.

The main cast of mostly unknown actors is surprisingly good. The leads Nicole Santorella and Antwoine Steele were both very strong, and I also really liked Millie Milan who seems so natural in front of a camera. She has an exotic look and I really enjoyed her. I am also a huge fan of the supporting cast. Lew Temple has always been given supporting roles that seem to never be big enough. Here, Lew actually shines. Without giving spoilers, let me just say that he is a character you will love to hate, and he tears into the part with gusto, energy, and a sly wink at the audience. Also giving a truly winning performance is Dyanne Thorne, star of the ILSA series of films. She is stunning. This is Dyanne's return to Horror and she makes the most of the well written dialogue. A scene between Lew and Dyanne had me so engaged that I wanted to rewind the film and watch it over and over. But I couldn't. This reviewer was lucky enough to catch the film with an audience who jumped, laughed and screamed at all the right moments. The audience also went crazy when George Hardy, of TROLL 2 fame, said his famous "Hospitality" line. It was great to see so many genre faces in this and all of them seemed to be having a blast. George's scenes with Allan Kayser, from Night of The Creeps, were also very funny. The "Bradster" still has trouble with the ladies, all these years later! Director Todd Sheets has learned much in his time away, and his return is a reason to celebrate if we get more films like this. Every frame is draped in gorgeous color and each composition is like eye candy. During a Q&A, Todd said he had decided to return to films after he had a quadruple bypass surgery from a heart attack. He said this film was made within a year of his release from the hospital. While I am very sorry that the man had to endure this tragedy, I am thankful to have him back. The care and passion that went into this film is evident from frame one, and in this age of commercial, cookie cutter movie of the week garbage, this is a very welcome addition to the Horror genre.

This is a great, modern Horror film that also feels familiar and inviting. It's as if Lucio Fulci, Lamberto Bava, Fred Olen Ray, H G Lewis and John Carpenter got together and made a film for a hundred thousand bucks. With a bit of Argento's visual flair thrown in as well. I really enjoyed it, and if you give it a chance and you love the original Horror classics like I do, I bet you'd like it too! One day Sheets name may be up there with the others, someone should give this guy some real money to work with, let him loose and see what would happen. I'd be in line for that.
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