Horror Comedy - A Completely Unique Genre of Entertainment
10 November 2013
Horror Comedy is how I would describe Gerald Gerald Geraldson's style of performance. It is "terrifying unique" at best. If you are having a hard time making up your mind about if you want to watch a comedy or a horror just watch "One Night Stab" and you will get two birds stoned at once :) I have seen Gerald perform on many occasions and can honestly say it is never a dull moment when you are a member of the audience. This film sums up what kind of sense of humour Gerald has developed over the years - shocking, hilarious, and creepy...all in one. The way this movie has stand-up as well as before and after Gerald is on stage, and the skits in between is an outstanding way to keep it entertaining as possible. The acting throughout this film by Gerald and all the rest of the cast members involved couldn't be anymore real as they come. The expressions and tones in voice make it that much more shocking and hilarious. I suggest turning the lights off and watching this with good friends to have good laughs and for a whole new horror comedy experience. You will not find this brand of stand-up anywhere else. I hope to see more and more Gerald Gerald Geraldson in the future!
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