Robbery and Murder
9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers

This reasonably brisk thriller from the Uk features a cast that includes, Terence Morgan, John Crawford, William Hartnell, Dennis Price, Charles Kay, Mai Zetterling, Ann Lynn and Yoko Tani.

Morgan plays a smooth talking con man trying to move up in the world. He is tired of small jobs and wants to make a big score. At the moment he is making pocket cash by moving watch movements for his smuggler boss, John Crawford. There is a side benefit to the employment, in that Morgan is getting in some non-vertical Mambo with Crawford's wife, Mai Zetterling.

While pulling a small jewel theft at a wedding party he crashes, Morgan happens to run into the pretty Yoko Tani. Tani is the daughter of a South Asian ambassador. The smooth talking Morgan quickly talks the somewhat naive Tani into his bed. The girl of course becomes infatuated with Morgan. She believes that Morgan likewise returns the feelings.

Morgan really looks on Tani as just another bird to use. That is till Tani mentions the 100,000 pounds in cash that is kept in the Embassy safe. Morgan decides this bit of info needs to be looked into, and cuddles up to Tani.

Morgan's boss, Crawford, is a rather poor gambler and is in Dutch to local casino owner, Dennis Price. Price is annoyed that Crawford has stuck him with several thousand in bad cheques. He tells Crawford that he best pay up, or a call from the firm's collection expert, leg breaker, Doug Robinson is in order.

Morgan pumps Tani(in more ways than one) for all the info she can supply on the brand of safe the Embassy has. He also gets a detailed layout of the interior from Tani. He has talked her into helping by promising a life of good times on the 100,000 pounds.

Morgan approaches Crawford for help in getting a crew together. He knows that Crawford has plenty of underworld contacts through his smuggling racket. Crawford normally would not touch a deal like this, but is desperate for funds to pay off casino boss, Dennis Price. Crawford knows just the safe man for the job, old time box man, William Hartnell.

The plan is to go through an unused tunnel that runs off the London Underground. This will lead to a basement wall of the Embassy. They will knock through the wall at 4 in the morning when everyone is either gone, or sleeping.

Needless to say, several flies in the ointment now appear. First is that Crawford plans on a double cross. He intends to keep the entire take from the safe. He will bring along a pistol to make sure this idea is "ok" with the rest of the crew. Crawford however makes the mistake of telling his wife, Zetterling of his plan.

Zetterling, of course lets her lover, Morgan, in on hubby's idea. Zetterling is longing for Morgan's tale of life on the French Riviera. Morgan will also be packing a gun for the job. He also intends a double cross of his own. Morgan arranges to have Zetterling waiting in a car by the subway exit.

The robbery scheme goes well and the crew makes it to the safe undetected. Hartnell blows the safe and the cash inside is quickly shoved into a satchel. Now Crawford and Morgan both make their play for the money. Hartnell is the first to go down from a pistol butt to the head. A running gun battle ensues through the underground tunnels with Crawford the loser. Morgan exits and jumps into the car with the waiting Zetterling.

She guns the motor and the two speed off to catch the ferry to France. The over excited Zetterling takes an incorrect turn and goes the wrong way down a one way street. They hit a large lorry at speed and careen into a building. Both Zetterling and Morgan are killed while the satchel of cash bursts open and is caught up by the wind.

The director is Wolf Rilla who is best known for the 1960 feature film, VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. He also helmed MARILYN – 1954, which is sort of a UK clone of the American film, THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RING TWICE.

This is a better film than I make it sound. Morgan is particularly good as the smooth talking ladies' man with big ideas. Hartnell is equally good as the slightly over the hill safe-cracker.
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