Fifth "Frankenstein" Meets Second " The Wolf Man".
23 October 2013
Roy William Neill directed this crossover turning point for Universal Studios: Combining the "Frankenstein" series with a "Wolf Man" sequel, a bright idea, since I can see them co-existing. Larry Talbot(Lon Chaney Jr.) is accidentally revived by grave robbers, who then ends up in the hospital, a murder suspect. Four years have gone by, and his father Sir John has since died. Dr. Mannering(played by Patrick Knowles) decides to help Larry, but he transforms and escapes. Later, he reunites with Maleva, who accompanies him in his search for the one man who can help him end the curse: Ludwig Frankenstein. Dismayed to find the doctor dead, he meets up with his daughter Elsa(now played by Illona Massey) to buy her father's ruins so he can locate his notes. The subsequent arrival of Dr. Mannering coincides with the discovery of the monster, and both of them decide to help Larry, though it will once again not work out as planned, since the angry villagers have other ideas...

Good sequel is quite clever, though damaged by the miscasting Of Bela Lugosi as the monster, and some choppy editing muddling things. Still, Chaney is fine, and movie enjoyable despite these faults. A shame to think how much better this could have been though...
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