The Blair Witch Project 3 1/2
9 October 2013
I'm actually disappointed with the fact that you can't vote zero or negative scores about a film. Because, truly, if I had the opportunity to choose the biggest waste of time in front of a screen, the minutes I spent watching this film, without even fast forwarding until the very end, would be my number one. I don't need to tick the spoiler alert box. Even if I wanted to, there's nothing actually surprising to add to what you already see when you grab the DVD box. The image that promotes the film is, indeed, powerful and, believe me, that cover is, by far, the best part of the entire "Frankestein Theory" experience. Without giving away any crucial information that you may consider a spoiler, although such a predictable storyline makes it hard for me to try and choose any possible spoiler to reveal, I may say that a very nice idea (Frankenstein story may have been based in true facts - which would be an extremely insteresting starting point) is murdered since the beginning of the film. All the actors, when you honestly look at them, seem already aware that this is going to be a huge flop. You look at the image that promotes the film, featuring a terrifying Frankestein (one of the best visual personifications of the monster that I've ever seen) and your expectations grow high. But that's it. You should stay there. The 20 seconds you may spend looking at that image will be - should you ignore my advice and actually watch the film - the most rewarding and exciting part of the next one and a half hour in which you'll see a bad copy of the Blair Witch Project, considering that 14 years have passed since that Witch surprised us all and several low budget (and high budget) followers completely dried out the milking tit of that awesome filming idea. The Frankestein Theory does not convince you, for a minute, that those events may actually have happened. The acting is so poor - and the actual story is so... empty - that the only positive thing I took from the afternoon when I've watched it was that heroic feeling that I took the poisoned bullet but, at least, I'll be able to warn any innocent soul considering to press play that he/she should be quiet, remove the DVD from the player asap and spend the rest of the afternoon watching something incomparably better, such as REC (it's Spanish and actually very good, with the same filming technique).

If this IMDb search you did for the Frankestein Theory was good for anything, let it be because at least you found out about REC when you were looking for rubbish.

Best regards and keep on trying.
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