Meatballs 4 (1992)
I can see why this one made the IMDb Bottom 100.
9 August 2013
Why would I watch such a terrible movie? After all, I have reviewed thousands of art, classic and foreign films. Well, it's because in addition to watching good films, every so often I try to watch a truly horrible film--so bad that it makes me laugh. A few good examples are "The Apple", "The Room" or anything by the likes of William Grefe, Ed Wood or Al Adamson. And, since currently "Meatballs 4" is #100 on IMDb's infamous 'Bottom 100' list, it seemed like it was just up my alley. Unfortunately, it was NOT like these other 'so bad they're good' movies--"Meatballs 4" is just bad!

When the film begins, you know you are in trouble for two huge reasons--it's a #4 and because it stars Corey Feldman. Neither bodes well for the quality of the picture, that's for sure! Sadly, it is much worse! It turns out the picture is a good camp versus bad camp film--a plot that was bled dry in the MANY other films (including, of course, the other "Meatballs" movies, but also variations of this in "Revenge of the Nerds" and too many other films). Add to that, completely unfunny jokes, bad writing, lots of horny and soul-less nude teens* and a stereotypical 'stupid fat guy'** (Brad Grunberg) for everyone to laugh at, and you definitely have a recipe for a terrible film. Overall, a smutty little film with little to recommend it. And, unfortunately, not at all fun to watch--which is what I was hoping for when I rented this mean-spirited and nasty excuse for a film.

*I am not a complete prude. But the nudity in this one just seemed really, really sad. The characters were just meat and the nudity was so incredibly unsexy.

**What is funny about an awkward obese man? And, why is it funny to CONSTANTLY make fun of him and treat him like he's subhuman?! Would this sort of thing be acceptable if he was black or disabled or a Hindu? Rather pathetic as a plot device if you ask me.
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