Silent Lake (2013)
"this lake smells like prawns"
31 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is quite simply the worst film I've ever seen. I'd suggest to the directors that their only hope for making something of it, now it's too late to scrap or re-make entirely, is to completely change the marketing of the film to emphasise the 'so-bad-it's-good' comic angle of the film, as at the screening I was at, and I imagine every other screening it somehow manages to get, it did manage one thing: to generate absolutely hysterical laughter from the audience.

I would advise against taking the "Poland isn't ready to accept this kind of film" line too, as nor will English speaking countries be ready to accept the atrocious dialogue and supposed English characters with bizarre Australian/Californian accents.

Really, what were you thinking??
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