Dexter: This Little Piggy (2013)
Season 8, Episode 5
Best Heart Pumping Episode So Far!!
28 July 2013
"This Little Piggy"- Here we see Dexter and Deb in Dr. Vogel house in a awkward situation after Debs raging stunt. Dexter has this rage in him we never saw confronting Deb of what she did. It surpasses of how we see Dexter's human side which is a fun to watch making us say "whoa!". This is episode is indeed one of the best episodes of Season 8. A major cat and mouse game episode with the "Brain Surgeon" exciting the tension of what's gonna happen next.

We have some great Masuka scenes which involves her new "daughter" Nikki. Then we have Quinn of course being Quinn but, seems to really want to make a huge change for himself. Deb on the other hand is slowly regaining her though process back together. Vogel is cool as ever! As for Dexter, we see Dexter do his Dexter thing.

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