Time of Eve (2010)
Sorry to say, but this movie is rather ridiculous for me...
12 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'm not trying to be way-too-realistic bastard and whatnots. The thing is, no matter how many times I tried to think it over, the word 'ridiculous' kept popping as my final conclusion.

Some people might get touched by the 'understanding-each-other' theme of this movie, but seriously, human understanding robot and vice-versa? I mean, that's not even possible even if you flip heaven and earth backwards. Even 'Swords Art Online' (which I pretty much detest) is rather rational than this one.

And let me list some of ridiculous things that annoyed me most (you may hate me for this): 1. In the cafe "Time of Eve", no one can really tell which ones humans and robots. The hell?! Just touch their limbs! Or maybe just listen to their footsteps! There's no way that a pile of metal-junk is going to have light footsteps like humans do! Or... mushy limbs like human, and by the way... even stupid can differentiate between human's (real) iris and the robotic one. Not to mention the hair (robot's must be fake), their movement or gesture, skin, and breath (Robot doesn't breath, please!) 2. On top of that, they're drinking coffee! Where did all those liquid went? My... I don't know what to say...

I'm not really a religious person, but please, there's no way human can develop such technologies. Even artificial intelligence isn't as intelligent as they're said to be. Human's brain is still the best technology has ever made, and there's no changing that. Let's just see the next 50 years, there's no freaking way. The world is going to be either still struggling to find way to develop such technologies (in which they'll end up exhausting themselves to no avail), or destroyed because of all the smogs and chemical's waste. Just you see...

The theme of the story was good, but sadly, it lacks rationality. Even fantasy has its own laws and explanation. And I have to admit that sparkling-skinned vampire (hell, yeah, I hate those saga) sounds even more rational than robot became like human.

Overall, it'll be a great story if you change the robot into another entities; vampires maybe? or demon, or whatever.
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